Friday, May 05, 2006

My, it's been a while....

Well, it's been a busy few weeks in this neck of the woods. We finished our office move. I only had to stay late a zillion extra (unpaid) hours, while others took vacation or couldn't come in or else they would have to be paid over-time.

My favorite co-worker threw a hissy-fit that we were storing items in our "spec" building that has not been leased (we finished the building about 5 months ago, so it's not really a speculative building anymore), and showed up at the spec building as the movers were finishing unloading and then told us that everything had to be moved to the other end because this LR was going to lease that end first (insert major chuckle here, as if he could lease anything on his own...). Not only was this something that LR could have told me while the movers where at our office, but LR had an appointment in that part of town and could have gone with the movers to show exactly where to put everything instead of me wasting half the day and then having to work until 9:45 p.m. packing up the rest of the office. LR did manage to pack his desk, but used 3 more barely-filled boxes--as in 2" of 14" deep boxes--than his allotted amount and pitched another fit because (1) I condensed his boxes because I needed them to pack the rest of the office and (2) I had to put some other items into his boxes like his PHONE and same other marketing materials that he did not pack. He also asked if he should pack up one of our old internal items in the drawers of the desk he had spread out his marketing materials on, because it was not his stuff. Good Lord, take some initiative!!!! I almost told him where to pack it. One of the other co-worker's about fell over trying not to laugh after the look I gave.

Other than a few minor bumps, the move went smoothly, and I received some kudos for a job well done.

Home life has been relatively quite for me, but poor DH is stressed out about finals. Hopefully, he'll be able to relax a little when the tests are done and the term paper is turned in.

Older-DS got to eat his first home-grown tomato on Monday. Our container gardening is going fairly well, but it looks like we won't be getting that many tomatoes this year. The herbs are growing like mad, and I used the first of the basil and oregano this weekend. The sage is huge, too. Too bad the parsley are not doing quite as well, but they may take a bit longer, as they started directly from seed. I'm trying to give away some of the extra catnip and mint seedlings, as I feel bad about throwing them away, but no takers so far. So, if anyone wants them, let me know, and they're yours.

Right now, well, not really at this particular minute because I'm still at work (shhhhhh, don't tell anyone) I'm struggling with Jack's Mama's birthday gift. I've had to redo it at least a dozen times so far, and I screwed it up again last night. Tonight, I will try to fix it one more time. If it doesn't work, I'll scrap it and come up with something else. I can't figure out why I'm having such problems, as it's not a complicated layout. Grrrrr.

Oh yeah, Jack's Mama sent me a package, but I haven't had a chance to go to the post office yet to pick it up. Hopefully, tomorrow. They don't deliver anything larger than an envelope to our apartments. If it doesn't fit in the mini-slot or if it isn't some sort of mass junk mailing, then we have to pick it up. They are not friendly at that post office.

I'm sure there is more to tell, but it's time to leave and I still need to publish this bad-boy. So here ya go....


Steve said...

I have a beautiful wife who's agreed to take the children away for the weekend, both this weekend and next weekend so that I can have the entire house all to myself and can focus entirely on studying unencumbered. What a lucky guy I am! Wait, no, the kids are still at home and I'm not medicated enough. oh well, 6 of one...

I love you honey!

Michelle said...

So glad the move went well for you, tons of hours, but i bet it's worth it :)
It's Jack's Mama's birthday? I must drop by and wish her many happy returns :o)

Stay well, and best of luck Steve!

Cassie said...

Jack's Mama is happy to be thought of, but really isn't picky at all. Please don't spend a lot of time on something for her.

Steve's sister thinks that it would be easier for him to go away and study somewhere than for an army of nannies to take three small children anywhere for a weekend or two. Maybe she could rent you a room at the Super 8. Heck, I'm not in school and I'd take that!

Don't worry about the package. It's nothing big. I just wanted to get it mailed before I went back to work so I wouldn't forget. It's from Gramma too. Of course we forgot the birthday card. There isn't anything in there saying what it's for or anything. I hope you have a wonderful birthday once it arrives. :)

Kirsten said...

Steve is the king of wishful thinking. He loaded up his backpack and went to the school library to study. Fewer distractions, anyway, than being home with all his toys.

Bellejar said...

Hang in there! You are a superwife! I don't know how the lawschool spouses handle finals - or not so much the finals but the law students moods around finals *grin*

Michelle said...

Happy Mothers Day Kirsten! :o)

nuje said...

Happy Birfday