Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Counting Down to the New Year
We had a good Christmas this year. For the first time since we've been married, we actually made it to mass, er, church, er, service...whatever they call it in non-Catholic terms--still trying to get used to the terminology of Protestantism (and gearing up for my trip to heck-in-a-handbasket, as the nuns in school would say...don't tell my parents ;-) )--on Christmas Eve for a candlelight vigil. DD and younger-DS hung out in the nursery, and you could see a little blonde head running hither and yon through the window. As we found out later, she was using her star wand to turn everyone to stone. Older-DS did a very good job sitting still, even though he was ready to fall asleep (as it lasted past bedtime).
We hightailed it home after services and put the rugrats to bed, and they finally all passed out mid-protest. Nooooooooooooo....snore.
Sometime around midnight, Santa came and put the presents under the tree. Older-DS woke up around 3. DH heard some rustling downstairs and when to check it out. Older-DS was arranging all the presents by whom they belonged to, in order to keep himself from opening them. DH did what he could to get ODS back into bed, but he was way too excited, so he was allowed to play on the computer for a while. Then he was ready to go back upstairs to sleep for an hour or so. He popped in our room around 4:30, when he was told to go into his sister's room and read for a bit, as his sister was curled up on our bed at the foot (right where my legs should have been if I had been allowed to sleep in non-fetal position). He came in again around, then 5:30. Around 5:45 we gave up and crawled out of bed. DD did not want to get up until she heard the word "Santa." Then we woke up Younger-DS and went downstairs to open them up.
They all had a wonderful time tearing off paper and finding the surprises inside. Younger-DS managed to open up a few items before getting completely pre-occupied by his stocking (which, btw, Gramma, you did a wonderful job!!! She has made stockings for all three of the kiddoes and they are gorgeous!). He did a better job at age 2 then his brother did...the first thing older-DS did at 2 was to pull out a set of alphabet flash cards from his stocking and would not open another present for several hours.
Our living room has not been the same since, with all the cardboard boxes and twist ties and various pieces of theft resistance packaging.
Yesterday they played and played and played and blew bubbles and shrieked and hooted and hollered and ran up and down the stairs and through the hallways, kitchen and living room and over furniture and under tables and up the walls and danced on the ceiling and crashed cars and turned us all into statues. Then cried, "Noooooooooosnore!" when we put them to bed.
The oldest two were a bit more mild mannered today, but that may have been their trip to the dentist and their favorite hygenist (who someone has a BIG crush on).
Tomorrow I head back to work. I could still use a few more days of vacation. Had a half day on Friday, we were given the day off on Monday, and I used up my last personal (use-it-or-lose-it) day on Tuesday and a vacation day for today. Luckily, tomorrow will be my only full day, as we will probably close around 3 on the Friday for New Years. Yea!
I think the kids are itchin' to get back to school, at least the older two. We'll see how Younger-DS does when he starts back to daycare next Tuesday, after staying home for three weeks. Should be interesting.
Well, here's the new year and all sorts of new adventures. Wish you all happiness and prosperity and a good night's sleep.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Christmas is coming...

The youngest found his favorite part of the festivities, as well.
It took a while, but we finally managed to get all of the ornaments up without too many problems, and gathered around for a mug of hot mulled cider. DD was enthralled with my old smiley face mug, and showed it off to all of us, over and over and over.
The tree is surviving the best that it can. I have never seen an artificial tree have to try so's been knocked down twice so far, with glass balls flying. Oh well, younger-DS will grow and lose his fascination with pushing it over (hopefully). Last year, we put our tree away on the 26th, after older-DS and DD were running around like banshees and caused the poor tree to topple. This poor tree has had more bad luck than the one in the Charlie Brown special.
At least we haven't had to pull either of the cats out of it...(knock on wood). Although, they may have knocked it down in years past, too.
As I mentioned in my earlier post, I am posting a couple of pics of my recent creations.

The necklace on the right was stitched in odd-count tubular peyote with silver-lined, matte cyrstal , size 11 Japanese seed beeds, with SS beadcaps and AB crystals.

I've made a couple of pairs of earrings, too, but have not tried to photograph them. They are based on a pair that I saw in one of my beading books. I would give credit if I could remember off hand who designed them, but I can't, and I don't feel like getting up to find the book, and have been fighting with the pictures in this post, which wouldn't move where I wanted them, and then wouldn't let me type where I needed to. Grrrr.
That's it for now. Need to get back to the laundry and give the stew a stir. Maybe I will post a second time in's worth a shot.
A special note from DD, to wish you a happy holiday season (OK, I admit that I like the term "happy holidays" because to me, (1) it's inclusive of all the celebrations around and this time and (2) it's alliterative):
Love, DD
Now a special note from Older-DS:
Happy Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, November 26, 2006
November's Post
You Are The Chariot |
You represent a difficult battle, and a well-deserved victory. You tend to struggle to get what you want, both internally and externally. You excel at controlling opposing forces, getting down the same path. In the end, you bring glory and success - using pure will to move forward. Your fortune: There is great conflict in your life right now, either with yourself or others. You must find a solution to this conflict, which is likely to be a "middle road" between the two forces. You posses the skills to triumph over these struggles, as long as your will is strong. You are transforming your inner self, building a better foundation for future successes. |
I have been rather behind in posting. Work is keeping me very busy, staying late almost every evening, then rushing to pick up the kids and make dinner. Sometimes not eating until nearly 7, which is tough on the little on the little ones. Then I get to spend the next hour nagging my 7 year old to finish his homework and do his mandatory 20 minutes of reading that must be logged and initialed by me. The tuck them all in bed by 8, so they can get enough sleep for school, since they need to get up at 6 a.m. I feel bad sometimes, that I don't really get to enjoy the only time I get to spend with my kids during the work week.
But they are all healthy, and don't seem too much worse for the wear right now. Today, while DH was at school studying for finals (which he has been doing for most of this weekend) and younger DS was napping, DD and older DS and I weeded out on the patio and found some snails and a small anole (lizard), which periodically would peek its head out and watch us. We had a good time.
We watched The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe numerous times this weekend, as well. That seems to be the favorite movie for November. At least it wasn't Sleeping Beauty, which was the previous flavor of the month.
I also managed to purge several bags worth of old paperwork and broken toys and torn books. That was only the beginning. Still need to finish the rest of the family room and move the table and couch to find out what has migrated under there, as well. Even did about 10 loads of laundry. Someday, I would love to have a housekeeper.
Oh yeah, and I also make the traditional turkey dinner. With sausage stuffing made from fresh bread crumbs, smashed garlic potatoes, green bean casserole, peas (for those who don't like green bean casserole, DH), rolls (OK, these were heat and serve), sweet potato casserole, cranberry sauce, and gravy from the drippings and roasted veggies that baked under the turkey. It was pretty good, although next year, I think I will stuff my bird, instead of cooking the turkey unstuffed. Although it cooks faster, it seems that the bird itself was a little drier, even though I started cooking it breast side down and make DH flip it over for the last hour of roasting. (It's easier to flip unstuffed). Still, older DS gave it a thumbs up, which is pretty good, since he's at the stage where he moans and groans over just about everything that I make.
Now, I get to find a cheap, yet experienced, babysitter for Saturday. We are having our office party that evening. Any volunteers? Try as I might, no one else in our office would go for a lunch hour. Seems most everyone wanted an "upscale" dinner with adults, which I had to coordinate. Of course, next year, I will be starting that in early October. It was quite a mistake to wait until November, since the only private dining rooms left had $2K+ minimums. We'll be close to that with gratuity, with 12 people (including spouses), but those minimums don't include tips, which are usually calculated around 20% (which I have found out since coordinating our Broker event for December).
Now it time to start getting ready for the holidays. Older DS's birthday and Christmas, all within a week of each other. Somewhere in there I need to take some vacation days, although part of me it tempted to wait until January so I can have some time alone in the house to get it cleaned from top to bottom, including the carpets. For some reason, I don't think that is what most people plan during time off, but it will never get done any other way. How do other women manage to keep everything coordinated? Gads.
On the lighter side, I have managed to make another necklace and a couple of pairs of earrings. The earrings will be Christmas gifts, I think. I'll have to post some pictures as soon as I find the batteries that I bought for our digital camera. (I even made a special trip, and for the life of me, can't remember where I put them.) I have had a couple of offers from people to buy some the items that I have made, a couple of the necklaces and a bracelet. One of these days I will have to take them up. I ought to start pricing everything while I'm making them, so I know what to say.
The kids are themselves as much as ever. DH posted about what DD was thankful for (for being a princess, for those who may have glossed over that), and older DS's list of 50 or so items was read over the intercom at school. He's even thankful for our cats, one of whom has his head resting on the back of my left hand, which is making typing a bit of a challenge. (I guess the drumming of my fingers on the keyboard is like a massage for him.) Younger DS is his chipper self, when he gets his way. He acts more and more like his older boy sibling at age 2, including the scowl when he is crossed, and his love of climbing out of his crib and dislike of going to bed. Although, he does look peaceful when he succumbs to slumber, unlike his sister who always looks P.O.'ed when she finally passes out. Younger DS is talking up storm now, although I'm still unsure of everything that he is talking about. I've probably sold my soul to the devil several times over during all of the yeses and mmm hmmms that I have done during his monologues.
Well, I guess it's time to take a break from the typing and join DH while he watches America's Next Top Model.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Your Element Is Water |
A bit of a contradiction, you can seem both lighthearted and serious. That's because you're good at going with the flow - but you also are deep. Highly intuitive, you tune in to people's emotions and moods easily. You are able to tap into deep emotional connections and connect with others. You prefer a smooth, harmonious life - but you can navigate your way around waves. You have a knack for getting people to get along and making life a little more peaceful. |

Since my last posting, work has been non-stop. My boss has been a joy to work with so far. He has even thanked me for my work on our last office move, even though he had no part of it. He was surprised that I was not given any sort of over-time pay or comp-time for my efforts, as I had little help in our office, and I managed to take care of the move and do all of my regular duties, and told me that that situation would never happen again. It was nice to hear that efforts were appreciated, even from someone outside of the situation.
Older-DS and I had an interesting converstion the other week. We were sitting around the kitchen table while he finished his dinner. We were discussing how someone in his class had gone to summer school and that he wanted to go. I explained that summer school is generally for those who failed a class and needed to make it up. In other words, he really did not want to go. Then I explained that when he was older that the only summer school that I would not be upset about him having to take was Driver's Ed. That was when Daddy had taken the class, while I took it during the school year.
Older-DS was upset about Driver's Ed. He has decided that he will not take this when he is 16 since it requires parent's permission and he will only get his license when he is 18 and can secure one (after passing the mandatory tests) without mom or dad. Somehow I think he will change his mind before he's 18. Of course, he may not just out of spite. He does have a bit of a stubborn streak.
Younger-DS has taken to using the X-box controller to play "football" (oh, come on!) while DH has the college or pro games on TV. This morning he was dragging it around calling for DH to play...even though it was 8 a.m. and there is no game on TV. He was quite upset when I told him that yes he could play, but it would be later. He plugging in the controller himself and demanded that I change the channels until a game was on. Not having cable, there wasn't much available other than 6 Spanish channels, a few religious programs, political shows and an info-mercial or two. Not quite controller fare, and it's difficult to make those politicians move around the table...unless you have a few green-backs in your pockets.
But the games have begun for the afternoon, so he is a happy camper.
DD is enjoying pre-K, even though she isn't as fond of being dropped off at daycare afterwards. But we drive by the "Blue Water" on the way and she seems to feel a bit better. "Blue Water" is a fountain at one of the local apartment complexes where they have colored the water, instead of painting the bottom of the fountain. Her first "school" pictures are on Friday.

DH has been studying hard. We're (I'm) counting down to the end of the semester...then the end of the year...then the bar...then life as a lawyer. The light is at the end of the tunnel, although DH still says he never really thought that he would make it through. Of course he would!

I have made a few pieces of jewelry, and thought I would share them. This is not all, but it's a good sampling...even if the pictures did not turn out well. Someday I would like to become proficient, but I'm still learning. My attempt at the Ndebele stick last night did not go quite as well, so I will be re-doing it with different beads. Or using the same beads with a different stick, since I like the colors.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Catchin' Up
You Are A Chestnut Tree |
You are a born diplomat with a well developed sense of justice. And even though you're impressive and intimidating, you're also fun to be around. You can be irritated easily, and you sometimes act superior. Nevertheless, you are sensitive of others feelings and very loyal. Sometimes you feel misunderstood and are fiercely close to those who know you best. |
Younger DS has been talking up a storm. Tonight he told DD that she had "'nuff" Parmesan cheese on her spaghetti, which she didn't eat. Last night he told her to "go room" when she raised her voice at the table.
Oldest DS, DH and I had a friendly game of "sock" this evening. Mostly, this means that we take turns pelting each other with DH's rolled up socks--unless you're me and you completely miss and the socks end up behind the couch. Ava had a rough evening and was in bed, asleep. (Although she did have a nice afternoon as DH picked her up from daycare and took her to see Cars as an early "what a big girl you are for starting school" present.)
Someday I'll really be able to catch everything up...or does that really ever happen?
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Another couple of months in paradise
Suffice to say, I want a receptionist. If nothing else, just to reduce the number of interruption when I'm trying to do legal documents or work on graphics.
I survived the Orlando trip. The airplane ride was uneventful (always a good thing), and I was even able to catch an earlier flight home (6:30 instead of 8). The only bad part was when DD burst into tears because I couldn't take her with me, and then she told me she hated me. I started tearing up then, too. DH, in his attempt to lighten things up, told me there's no crying in baseball. OK, coach. Several times, I called home, but the only rugrat who would talk to me was younger-DS. Apparently, Arthur (on PBS) ranks higher on the social scale than me.
Of course, everyone who saw my pics of them on my phone said how utterly adorable they are. Not that I am biased, but I think they are the cutest and smartest and most huggable children in all the world.
DH did a wonderful time keeping the kids (yes, there were still three when I got home), even though it rained the whole time, and he had to stay indoors with them. Poor guy, I know it wasn't easy to remain sane.
Grandma and Grandpa arrived yesterday evening. They will be watching the rugrats while DH and I go to my co-worker's wedding. It will be a nice break to have an evening with adults (and no kids to keep entertained). We haven't had one of those since the Christmas dinner for work. I was hoping to be able to take some vacation time off while they were here, but it looks like the only day will be Friday. Rats!
Our property manager will be out for budget training from Tuesday through Thursday, and our customer service coordinator (who takes the tenant's calls when things break) will be out on her honeymoon all week. I have been designated to handle all of that as well. Not that I don't already have a full plate on my hands. For some reason, although our CSC had decided that our tech should call the vendors when needed since he knows who to call, our property manager has decided that she does not want our tech calling, so now I get to do that as well. And our property manager decided to set up painting at some of the buildings and air quality testing that week, too, and I'm now the point of contact for any questions or concerns per her emails to the tenants. I need a significant raise.
Enough venting.
The kids are playing/fighting over the Coca Cola chess set and I need to finish making my necklace for the wedding tonight. I wasn't happy with the way it turned out, so I'm going to make a couple of small additions to it. Should only take an hour or so to fix it up. I'm done with the earrings. I'll have to post pics of them later, along with the two bracelets that I beaded, as soon as I put the clasps on them. Oh yeah, and I made another necklace that I received a bunch of ooohs and aaahs over, even though it was a really simple design with some left over findings, chain, and light green Swarovski crystals.
Friday, May 26, 2006
Ups and Downs
*My favorite co-worker was finally given the boot.
*We finally have a new boss who everyone in the company says is fabulous...including the team that is losing him, as he is transferring from another office (more about this in the down side).
*With our new boss is corporate's offer to pump muchos dineros into acquisition and development of millions of square feet of industrial and office space into our office's portfolio, so we will be growing by leaps and bounds.
*My co-workers gave me a huge bouquet of flowers for a belated birthday gift.
*I read about a website called Bookins in a newsletter that I receive from the USPS about a site where you can trade books. You only pay shipping. Thought this is would be a good way to get rid of those books that I know I will not read again, and pass them on to someone who will.
*We are getting a new boss because we will be closing another office.
*We were the recipients of a hit-and-run. Luckily, everyone is OK. But we aren't sure, yet, what this will mean to my beloved mini-van. She looks pretty bad. Idiot driver decided to go over a concrete curb for a protected left turn lane and hit us practically head on. Then backed up, did a 180 and high-tailed it through a parking lot and down a side street. (But they did hit us hard enough to leave their license plate at the scene, so we will be able to track them down.)
*3 weeks until we have to have a community outreach project and everything gets shot down by a co-worker who doesn't want to work outside, but refuses come up with alternate ideas or places to book. I may need to make the executive decision and let the chips fall where they may.
*Our next-door tenant told me that he would like to expand into our new office by the end of this year. Gads!!! Maybe this time I will be the one to go on vacation the week before we move again.
*I'm cleaning out my coffee-maker so our house smells like hot vinegar.
Nothing too unbearable to complain about. Things could be better, but things could be a zillion times worse. We're all still "alive and kickin'." (<--that's for your Lady Fan)
Thursday, May 18, 2006
You are a Social Liberal (60% permissive) and an... Economic Liberal (20% permissive) You are best described as a: Link: The Politics Test on OkCupid Free Online Dating Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test |
My hubby posted his results, so I thought I would share mine.
Friday, May 05, 2006
My, it's been a while....
My favorite co-worker threw a hissy-fit that we were storing items in our "spec" building that has not been leased (we finished the building about 5 months ago, so it's not really a speculative building anymore), and showed up at the spec building as the movers were finishing unloading and then told us that everything had to be moved to the other end because this LR was going to lease that end first (insert major chuckle here, as if he could lease anything on his own...). Not only was this something that LR could have told me while the movers where at our office, but LR had an appointment in that part of town and could have gone with the movers to show exactly where to put everything instead of me wasting half the day and then having to work until 9:45 p.m. packing up the rest of the office. LR did manage to pack his desk, but used 3 more barely-filled boxes--as in 2" of 14" deep boxes--than his allotted amount and pitched another fit because (1) I condensed his boxes because I needed them to pack the rest of the office and (2) I had to put some other items into his boxes like his PHONE and same other marketing materials that he did not pack. He also asked if he should pack up one of our old internal items in the drawers of the desk he had spread out his marketing materials on, because it was not his stuff. Good Lord, take some initiative!!!! I almost told him where to pack it. One of the other co-worker's about fell over trying not to laugh after the look I gave.
Other than a few minor bumps, the move went smoothly, and I received some kudos for a job well done.
Home life has been relatively quite for me, but poor DH is stressed out about finals. Hopefully, he'll be able to relax a little when the tests are done and the term paper is turned in.
Older-DS got to eat his first home-grown tomato on Monday. Our container gardening is going fairly well, but it looks like we won't be getting that many tomatoes this year. The herbs are growing like mad, and I used the first of the basil and oregano this weekend. The sage is huge, too. Too bad the parsley are not doing quite as well, but they may take a bit longer, as they started directly from seed. I'm trying to give away some of the extra catnip and mint seedlings, as I feel bad about throwing them away, but no takers so far. So, if anyone wants them, let me know, and they're yours.
Right now, well, not really at this particular minute because I'm still at work (shhhhhh, don't tell anyone) I'm struggling with Jack's Mama's birthday gift. I've had to redo it at least a dozen times so far, and I screwed it up again last night. Tonight, I will try to fix it one more time. If it doesn't work, I'll scrap it and come up with something else. I can't figure out why I'm having such problems, as it's not a complicated layout. Grrrrr.
Oh yeah, Jack's Mama sent me a package, but I haven't had a chance to go to the post office yet to pick it up. Hopefully, tomorrow. They don't deliver anything larger than an envelope to our apartments. If it doesn't fit in the mini-slot or if it isn't some sort of mass junk mailing, then we have to pick it up. They are not friendly at that post office.
I'm sure there is more to tell, but it's time to leave and I still need to publish this bad-boy. So here ya go....
Saturday, April 08, 2006
The end of the first full week of April

I've been trying to read a book for the last few weeks, but it has taken forever to get through. The blurb on the front cover by The New York Times summarizes it perfectly: "A slim volume of terrifying power."
The book in reference is Night, by Nobel Prize winner Elie Wiesel. It's his account his experiences in the German concentration camps during WWII.
Younger-DS is in the middle of a temper tantrum because I would not get him another thing to eat. He just finished lunch and had a some goldfish. He's mad because I'm holding out on the oranges for later this afternoon. Apparently, he is a big eater at daycare, too.
DD went to the grocery store with me this morning. (I have to make several dozen cookies for a PTA function on Tuesday.) She did pretty well, other than complaining that she got a pink balloon instead of purple. Pink or purple, it bounced off the side of my head for the whole shopping experience, so I looked like a chia pet by the time we made it back to the car.
Older-DS is sitting at the table, writing out his list of students and adding up the check marks by their names. I just asked, and the check marks are good because that means that they are here today, and the X's are bad because that means that they are not here. And they are here to learn.
Our container gardening experiment is having mixed results. My mom bought older-DS a tomato plant, and so far, we have 3 tomatoes coming in. The parsley I bought is only doing so-so, but the sage had taken off. I broke the tops of the basil off accidentally, but they are coming back, and the rosemary and oregano are doing well, too. Unfortunately, the seeds doing quite as well as I hoped. A few of them started well, then quickly keeled over, so no dill and very few chives this year. The lemon balm, sage, borage, mint, and catnip are doing quite well. There are a couple of anise, and one each of marjoram, savory and parsley coming up. I'm not too surprised about the seeds, as they were left over from a few years ago. It's nice to have a patio that we can actually use, and where I don't have to worry about the kids falling through the bars.
We're getting through the office move. Hopefully, I'll be back in the loop at some point, and next time they do any major changes they will inform me before I have meetings with vendors. There's nothing like having a discussion with someone, only to find out that they have a different set of notes than me. I hate feeling like an idiot.
I have to run. Apparently, I'm now the principal in Older-DS's school. He told me to pick a name, but didn't like my choices: Mrs. Ruler-of-the-Universe, Mrs. Ruler-of-the-School, or Mrs. Omniscient. So, I must be content with Mrs. H-I love the name, but the first one sure had a nice ring to it.
Friday, March 31, 2006

I'm getting old. It's just after 9 p.m. and I'm ready to crash for the night and the weekend. The kids are in bed...although not quite asleep. DD was in the room while I was washing my face and trying to bribe me into reading a story to her, the "if you won't read this, then you're not my friend" song-and-dance. I told her to go to bed. She told me I was not her friend.
On a happy note, oldest DS lost his 2nd top tooth tonight. He was excited because he can suck more noodles through the gap where his teeth used to be.
Youngest DS was not a pleasant child at daycare today. After losing 3 hours of sleep last night, he only napped for 20 minutes. Suffice to say, I think the poor teachers there were relieved to see me. But he heartily and cheerily wave good-bye and then immediately looked for his siblings.
Work is trucking along. Sitting in on phone conferences and waiting on bids for movers. One has been turned in...I haven't heard yet from the others. And it looks like we will be moving on a Saturday now, and that I have to have the phone/data cabler and an electrician on hand in order to pull the cords out of the cubicles and de-electrify before the movers cut everything. They also have to be there to pull everything through the cubicles when the movers set them up in the new space. Can't wait.
The big topic at work right now are the construction difficulties with the Comcast Center. Apparently, the plumber's union is fighting the use of waterless urinals, which may cost the building it's LEED "Green Building" rating. It would be the tallest Green building on the East coast. If they cannot get the permits for these urinals (which will save 1.6 mil gallons of water per year), then the Bank of America building in NYC will get the honors for the tallest Green building. Of course there are those that do not like them for other reasons. I have no opinion.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
DH made me get up early this morning in order to go out for breakfast with the kiddoes. It's always a bit of an under-taking, involving much "Go get your shoes and socks on now!" (Not to me, but to the kids.) Oldest DS hates going anywhere in the morning...I have no idea where he gets that from. I'm always up for adventure before the sun gets up, even without copious amounts of coffee. (Eeeek! Lightning!)
I finally finished one of my projects last night and have posted it for all to gaze upon. I'm slowly teaching myself a new hobby.
That one took forever as it required much weaving of seed beads and bugles, and of course, I have similar one in progress with AB clear bugles and clear/pink seed beads. Here's one that I finished a while ago:
It's just memory wire with some light grey glass pearls and silver beads and a pair of earings to match. Since I had a bunch of the grey beads left, I also made a similar necklace and earings with different silver spacers. I'll post it another time.
When I had finally finished the project and right before I went to bed, DD trotted into the room to tell DH and me that she had "fallen out of the bed." DH looked at her and said, "Well, climb back into bed." She pondered for a moment and said, "OK." And jogged back to her room.
As it stands right now, Oldest DS's tooth is still hanging on, but barely. Youngest DS is napping after a fun post-breakfast at BN and the park, where the kids hair stood up completely on end after flying down the slides. Gotta love that static electricity. The rest of the day is full of laundry and dozing while DH finishes his reading for school.
Oh yeah, and for dinner yesterday, DH made me cook, so I put together a shrimp boil (kinda like a crawfish boil, but no crawfish, and no newspaper-covered picnic table in the backyard to dump out the crawfish and corn and pototoes on...well, there was no sausage either). OK, so maybe it wasn't really too much like a crawfish boil, other than I boiled some shrimp in seasoning with corn and potatoes. But it sure was tasty!
Saturday, March 25, 2006
The week in review, an exciting snapshot...

It's been a busy week here. Our leasing rep leased our office to one of our neighboring tenants and now we have to move in less than one month (including the build-out of our new office two suites down from our current office). Our VP of development is handling the space plan and contract with our general contractor, and I get to do everything else: coordinate with our corporate office, get all the other vendors lined up (phone system and IT cabling, mover's bids, etc.), and have our VP ask me my opinion and tell me I'm wrong every time I offer it. It's been a pleasure, to say the least.
The build-out should be done on the morning of the 21st and we will be moving that afternoon.
As for other news, oldest DS lost one top front tooth and the other is loose and may be out by the end of the weekend. (All I want for Christmas....) DD is trying to make me drink her water after putting her hand in it ("Do you want a taste?") And youngest DS has taken to pretending to fall down and then laughing.
Hubby linked me to his blog during the week.
I have a couple of projects under way and have yet to complete them. They're sitting on my nightstand.
The best part of the week was when I did a little shopping and racked up about $8 of goodies that I really didn't need (but the bead caps and the multi-strand clasps were so pretty) at the craft store (I love 1/2 off sales), and then waited for about 10 minutes in line at the register. The cashier started to ringing up my purchases before I realized that I didn't have my wallet with me. I had left it on my desk after checking to see how much cash I had. Suffice to say, I didn't get to have lunch either.
Friday, March 17, 2006
Oh yeah, I'm supposed to put a title here.
I was going to take a picture of one of my new project, but can't find the camera, so you will just have to wait and see... I'm borrowing heatherfeather's idea regarding some of her postings.
Went to a Southern Living party for a friend of mine who is a consultant, and she was kind enough to allow me to set up a little table of my MK stuff (shameless plug). Although only five people (including me) showed up for her party, I still ended up with $80+ in sales without lifting a finger, and everyone ordered from her, too.
The evening wrapped up pretty quickly, and I was home by 8:30, with the little ones already in bed for the night, although DD was not asleep yet. I went in to check on her and she was laying on the floor next to her big brother (camp out night). DS was sound asleep, but she was ready to chat and discuss her sheep "slipperies" which we was still wearing. She is convinced that she must be very careful while walking in them, lest she falls. Ben woke up in the middle of my awe-inspiring rendition of "A---- Had a Little Lamb," mostly because DD was not happy to be inserted in Mary's place. "NO! Not A-----, MARY had a little lamb, little lamb, it's sheep was white as snow!" DD then began a long monlogue about how eating a wrapper will make you have "tornado eyes." (That's what she calls the spiral-y eyes in illustrations, specifically from the book: Sometimes I'm Bombaloo. And that somehow ended up into a conversation with DS about how there are 6 Harry Potter books but only 4 Harry Potter movies (I'm too lazy to link these...although I'm sure there are many choices available).
I'm not sure how I disengaged from them, but somehow I did manage to make them lay back down and at least pretend to get some sleep. I know at some point one or two of them will end up in our bed during the night. Inevitable.
Friday, March 03, 2006
I have no idea why I have such an obsession with Google. I remember way back in they day when I was anti-computer. I didn't have one in college, as I used my trusty Brother word processor that "printed" using one of those daisy wheels, just like an electric type-writer. (Hard to believe that was more than 10 years ago!) My parents were surfing the net long before I did. My other two online obsessions, lately (well, other than blogging about my husband's jokes and loading up virtual shopping carts with items I will never buy), is Wikipedia and How did I live without them before? Heaven forbid I ever wander into a library to open a real, live, hard-bound encyclopedia. Or dig out my old, trusty, red Webster's Dictionary. I rarely even use my Thesaurus that I won as one of the top scholars in high school (I wasn't quite scholarly enough to win one of the scholarships--I mean, I wasn't a geek, after all!) because I use the thesaurus feature on MS Word instead.
This isn't to mean that I don't love books. I have them all over the place, to which my DH will attest. Shelves and more shelves and counters and tables of them. My kids seem to have inherited this love, too. I certainly will never complain about that, except when they use them to build forts in the living room.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
In like a lion, out like a lamb
She had a marvelous time - Chuck E. Cheese came out to sing to her, and the DSes seemed to enjoy themselves, too. At least until the end when exhaustion and impatience took reign. We returned home and shipped them off to bed. DD, of course, decided she didn't want to sleep and spent the next 2 hours getting up and being put back into bed. I woke up with her in our bed, again.
Monday, my parents come to town for a week. The kiddoes are rather excited. I'm trying to come up with ideas to keep everyone entertained: rodeo (not that I enjoy it that much, but the kids seemed to enjoy the getting their booklets stamped and petting the animals last time), children's museum, and who knows what else. I'm actually taking a full week off from work! I haven't done that in years...other than when I got married and became a SAHM for a couple of years. They are staying in a motel so that they don't have to wake up at the crack of dawn with the grandkids, who are notorious for bounding into grandparents rooms by 5:30 a.m. to "snuggle" (which really means roll around and chitchat and bounce and say "shhhhhh" to each other.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Another day in the neighborhood
So, after the movie was over and DD finally passed out from sheer exhaustion, it was nearly mid-night. DH was asleep within 3 or 4 minutes of his head hitting the pillow. I, unfortunately, tossed and turned, and got up to dim the light in DD's room and turn off the desk lamp in DSs' room. Sleep did, eventually, catch up to me. And then I saw the light flash by the bedroom window. I woke up and heard a heliocoter flying by. At this point, DD woke up, too, and said that she had a bad dream. I picked her up and listened to the helicopter for while. It continued to circle above, so I looked out the window and noticed that it was flying quite near us with the search light on. Around and around and around it went. I thought briefly about turning on the TV to see if there was something going on, but I was tired, and I figured there had probably been a police chase of some sort and they had pulled the car over near by. I brought DD to our room and she settled down between DH and me. Luckily, the boys (all of them) slept through it.
This morning, I managed to wrangle myself out of bed. I turned on the news (Channel 11, like usual), and low and behold there was a map with a nice little star over our apartment complex. Turns out that the helicopter was a police chopper, and they were shining on our complex. There had been a carjacking at one of the gas stations near us. The carjackers where people who lived in our complex, and their victims turned out to be, not only another man who lived in our complex, but the father of one of their friends. They were caught when they tried to return the car.
Here are the thoughts that crossed my mind:
(1) We live with a bunch of criminals.
(2) How absolutely stupid were these carjackers to bring the car back to someone who would recognize them.
(3) Hey, how old were these carjackers and where are their parents?
(4) How sad that we live in an area where we don't know our neighbors and would never recognize them if we ran into them somewhere else.
(5) How mean is my husband to find ways of robbing me of my much needed sleep and then complains when I hit the snooze button for hour before getting up?
Friday, February 17, 2006
We were cruising along in the mini-van one sunny afternoon with the rugrats napping in their car seats, when this all came to a head (figuratively, not literally--there weren't any heads in the street for us to drive towards.)
You see, he had mentioned something about carpet shampooers (You can check out the archives of his blog, as I refuse to inflict such harm onto any poor, unsuspecting readers). I in turn, gave him "that look."
DH: "Don't give me that look."
Me: "What look?"
DH: "That look. Just laugh. It eases the agony"
That was followed by an hour of pirate jokes.
DH: "What's a pirate's favorite subject in school?"
Me: "When would they have time to go school, between plunders at sea?"
DH: "No, the answer is aaaaaart."
Me: "What about aaaaarithmatic. Seems like that one would be more helpful for calculating their money captured, versus their costs in travel, not to mention life insurance policies, in order to find out if they are more profitable in different locations. Although, I suppose aaaart could come in handy for them to recognize whether the aaaartwork they were stealing was valuable. But I think that would fall under aaaaart appreciation, as opposed to the applied aaaaarts."
He refused to talk to me for nearly 15 minutes. Until...
DH: "What's a pirate's favorite vegetable?"
Me: "Gads."
DH: "Wrong! an arrrrrtichoke!"
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Our youngest SD (I mean, DS, as SD is a state) has learned a new word. Before last week, he could say mama, dada, book (*buh*), ball (*buh*) and up (it's more like *uuupa* and he opens and closes his fists to let us know that he wants us to pick him up). Well, considering our DD has been shouting it at the top of her lungs whenever our littlest grabs anything of hers, his new word is "mine!" Eighteen months old and he already knows "mine."
Of course he "knows" other words, but doesn't say them. For instance, if I say "more milk" or "cheese" or "yogurt" or "orange" he hightails it to the kitchen and tries to open the refrigerator door. At dinner time, I say "go to the table" and he runs to kitchen table--at times he will even climb up the chair and sit on top of the table. "Time to go bye-bye" means finding his shoes and socks and bringing them to me to put them on. He has even figured out how to do the velcro on his shoes himself, and then claps...and gives you "the look" until you to start clapping with him. Not that any of our kids are demanding.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Oldest DS desperately desired Gramma to play cars with him.
"I'm just going to rest here for a minute, Sweetheart."
"OK, Gramma, but when your done 'resting,' " DS raised his fingers and added the quotation marks, "come upstairs."
He didn't understand our peals of laughter, and looked confused as he headed to his room to play.
OK, another business promotion...
And don't forget, you can always log onto my website and register through here and the link to the right of here, and get on my mailing list for the quarterly catalog, which includes a free sample.
Now back to our regular randomly blogged program....
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Back to School
"Forget-me-not is a state flower!" he chimed.
"Really? Which state?"
"I forgot."
Hmmm, that's some gifted program.