Saturday, September 22, 2007

What to do

Well I have already posted for the day, or month. On our way back from dinner (reminder of why we have not gone out to eat in public in some time, outside of the lack of dinero), we were thinking of what to watch together after the kids go to bed. This reminded me of another fascinating part of the summer's felicities: Fame.

A long time back, I had found a deal on DVD's (buy 2 on sale, get 1 free). Well, two ended up as gifts (the first season of Scrubs and the first season of Radio City). The free one was the first season of Fame, and I subjected my long-suffering husband to a weekend of Leroy, Julie, Coco, Doris, Bruno, Ms. Grant, Ms. Sherwood, Mr. Shirofsky and the rest of the crew. It was a warm, fuzzy reminder of childhood, kinda like Little House on the Prairie.

I wonder if more seasons are available... Or maybe I should look into Little House? Honey, how would you like a weekend of Half-pint, Ma, Pa and Mary?


Kirsten said...

First off, it's NewsRadio. I don't even know what Radio City is.

Second off, Fame is evil.

No Little House. I had to suffer with that due to my sister when I was young, that's enough.

Kirsten said...

Ooops, News Radio. That's what I meant.

If you don't want to watch Little House, I'll settle for the Facts of Life.

You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have the facts of life, the facts of life...

Kirsten said...

BTW, the first comment was posted by the owner of Binjo Ditch, who was still logged in as me.

Contrary to popular belief, I am not insane, and was not talking to myself. At least this time...

Cassie said...

I knew that was Steve.