Friday, October 28, 2005

Typical day

Well, I just read our Office Administrator Manual from cover to cover in lieu of filing. Gosh, I missed quite a bit of info when I was sent home from our training session because of the hurricane that never hit Houston. It was rather enlightening, though. Now the fun part--getting everyone in our office to be compliant to the policies and procedures. They aren't too keen on that.

Oh well.

On the bright side I have cute kids, always smiling, doing what they are told, being polite and going to bed when they are told. My DH, on the other had, has kids who cry and refuse to put on their Holloween costumes for the party at daycare and sulk about brushing their teeth and refuse to stay tucked in.

This morning, our daughter threw a fit because DH would not give her cereal before going to daycare this morning. (She does get breakfast at daycare, too, so it's not like we were starving her by any means.) So, to show her displeasure, shrieked to the high heavens about having permission to wear her costume for the party today. Go figure. This is the costume that we practically had to pry off of her last week and had to put up in her closet to keep her from wearing it to shreds before Holloween, and she refused to wear it. Ah, the joys of childhood.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Well, it seems that it's been a while since I posted. I've been busy procrastinating again. Imagine that. Me. Procrastinating. I mean, really.

I'm a bit unmotivated at the moment. My "to be filed" piled has replicated exponentially. I have no idea how, but during the night the pile grows...and the more nights I leave it to its own devices, the greater the pile is. Worse than rabbits.

So, my new goal it is to be organized. I think I'll start next week.

Next month (oops, next week is next month).

Maybe it will be my New Year's resolution.

Friday, October 07, 2005

I was losing myself within the world wide web for long while today, between casual glances at the Wall Street Journal (it was sitting on my desk) and answering phone calls and organizing the people in our office, and figuring out a presenation for a lunch that we are sponsoring but didn't know anything about because our boss left the company and forgot to tell us, and reading emails, and putting out fires, and drinking a Diet A&W Root Beer and it suddenly dawned on my why I never get around to blogging: I'm too busy thinking everyone else's thoughts for them. (Gack...I just ate a rotten nut. It tastes exactly how a dirty diaper smells, and it's stuck in my teeth. Excuse me for a moment.)

OK, so I decided to attempt to have a thought to myself and I was smited from above, well, sort of...through a plastic bag.

Of course, I'm sure it the Red Bull talking now. After my forehead hit my desk, I decided to chug one down. Since then, I've straigtened up our breakroom, finished the WSJ and learned that a rubberband ball really does bounce, although not quite as high as the rubber ball my daughter left in my purse. By the way, no, I did not make the rubberband ball. It came that way. Although I think I'm going to tell people that I did make it, since they keep asking me while looking at me slightly sideways and with an eyebrow cocked. Ah, I am the poster child for what a college education will do for you. Tens of thousands of dollars spent so that I can play with a rubberbands. I make my parents proud.