Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Another fun day at the saltmine. Learned some good news yesterday about a "favorite" co-worker. Those of you "in the know" will probably guess what it is. Those of you who aren't, well, you'll just have to wait to hear. Suffice to say, I'm a much happier camper this week. I know, I shouldn't be so happy, with Karma and everything, but then I guess Karma is working it's way to my "favorite" co-worker.

Our youngest SD (I mean, DS, as SD is a state) has learned a new word. Before last week, he could say mama, dada, book (*buh*), ball (*buh*) and up (it's more like *uuupa* and he opens and closes his fists to let us know that he wants us to pick him up). Well, considering our DD has been shouting it at the top of her lungs whenever our littlest grabs anything of hers, his new word is "mine!" Eighteen months old and he already knows "mine."

Of course he "knows" other words, but doesn't say them. For instance, if I say "more milk" or "cheese" or "yogurt" or "orange" he hightails it to the kitchen and tries to open the refrigerator door. At dinner time, I say "go to the table" and he runs to kitchen table--at times he will even climb up the chair and sit on top of the table. "Time to go bye-bye" means finding his shoes and socks and bringing them to me to put them on. He has even figured out how to do the velcro on his shoes himself, and then claps...and gives you "the look" until you to start clapping with him. Not that any of our kids are demanding.

Friday, January 06, 2006


Gramma came to visit for Christmas. The kids were wildly excited, as expected, and wild they were. Poor Gramma just needed to sit on the couch for a little while to have breather and relax after playing jungle gym for all three.

Oldest DS desperately desired Gramma to play cars with him.

"I'm just going to rest here for a minute, Sweetheart."

"OK, Gramma, but when your done 'resting,' " DS raised his fingers and added the quotation marks, "come upstairs."

He didn't understand our peals of laughter, and looked confused as he headed to his room to play.

OK, another business promotion...

As you all know by now, I am an "Independent Beauty Consultant" with MK and I'm on a quest to facial 30 people by the end of this month. So, if you are willing to help me out with this challenge that I need to complete no later than January 31, and you live near me and don't already have a consultant (we're to sell by the 'Golden Rule' which includes not stealing other consultants' clients), shoot me an email and we can set up an appointment. The products are wonderful; otherwise, I wouldn't use them or wouldn't sell them.

And don't forget, you can always log onto my website and register through here and the link to the right of here, and get on my mailing list for the quarterly catalog, which includes a free sample.

Now back to our regular randomly blogged program....

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Back to School

My oldest son, in his excitement from being back in school, told me about his day. He got to go to PGP where they were talking about the states.

"Forget-me-not is a state flower!" he chimed.
"Really? Which state?"
"I forgot."

Hmmm, that's some gifted program.