Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Another fun day at the saltmine. Learned some good news yesterday about a "favorite" co-worker. Those of you "in the know" will probably guess what it is. Those of you who aren't, well, you'll just have to wait to hear. Suffice to say, I'm a much happier camper this week. I know, I shouldn't be so happy, with Karma and everything, but then I guess Karma is working it's way to my "favorite" co-worker.

Our youngest SD (I mean, DS, as SD is a state) has learned a new word. Before last week, he could say mama, dada, book (*buh*), ball (*buh*) and up (it's more like *uuupa* and he opens and closes his fists to let us know that he wants us to pick him up). Well, considering our DD has been shouting it at the top of her lungs whenever our littlest grabs anything of hers, his new word is "mine!" Eighteen months old and he already knows "mine."

Of course he "knows" other words, but doesn't say them. For instance, if I say "more milk" or "cheese" or "yogurt" or "orange" he hightails it to the kitchen and tries to open the refrigerator door. At dinner time, I say "go to the table" and he runs to kitchen table--at times he will even climb up the chair and sit on top of the table. "Time to go bye-bye" means finding his shoes and socks and bringing them to me to put them on. He has even figured out how to do the velcro on his shoes himself, and then claps...and gives you "the look" until you to start clapping with him. Not that any of our kids are demanding.


Anonymous said...

Don't we learn possession young? My, you have brilliantly clever children, Kirsten. I am totally enchanted with them. Hoping the good news about that favorite coworker is what I think it is. It is lovely to watch Karma in action, isn't it?

Steve said...

Let's not forget when he pooh-poohs. You say it, and he runs to grab the wipes and diaper. He doesn't like stinky butt, either.

Kirsten said...

Of course, they are brilliantly clever children. Mine are the most wonder and most brilliantly clever children ever brought to this earth. :) And Jack, too.

Cassie said...

Ahh thanks for mentioning my little guy.
I am remembering a conversation with your oldest. He was telling me what he wanted for his birthday... a yellow car,Zathura on dvd, and a cup shaped like an upside down candle. "Do they make those?" I said, "I hope so!" said he.

Steve said...

You know, it won't let me comment on your other post.

Weary Hag said...

Little ones ARE amazing when they learn to speak. It must make them feel like they finally have a little bit of control over their environment. Ya know?

Hey... I need to form a visual here. Do you and DH share a computer? Or do you each have your own? Or do you have laptops? Or does one or the other have a laptop and the alternate have a desktop?

There is a reason for me asking this. As soon as I figure out what it is, I will let you know.

Kirsten said...

We both share [well, share is not exactly the correct word as I have to thumb wrestle him to get computer time] his school laptop. We did have a pair of desktops between us, but mine went ka-put after a couple of moves and his became freakishly slow on the internet. That, and room where we have the desktop does not have a phone jack for an internet connection. It's much easier to just set the laptop on the kitchen table and type away. (The joys of apartment living.)

The reason you asked is so that I could type in a long, aimless response to your inquiry.