Sunday, October 07, 2007


OK, here's the situation:

I was unable to sleep one evening and randomly submitted my resume to another company that was looking for an admin assistant position, and requested a salary requirement in the cover letter. I threw a number down, considerably higher than my current base salary and still higher than what I make with my quarterly and annual bonuses, thinking that I would never hear back.

Well, a week later I received a call from their Director of Operations who was very impressed with my resume and wanted to speak with me about the position. I managed to return his after a few misses, as it was difficult to find a quiet space to call and I had worked through my lunches and late. Well, he talked about the company and about the job and said that they were prepared to offer me what I was asking because I had experience in the area and I knew what "redlining" was and how to do it.

Anyway, I mentioned a couple of my concerns and the hours that I wanted to work, which are slightly different from their hours, because of daycare schedules. He said he would talk to the partners that I would be supporting and he didn't think it would be a problem. This job would basically entail supporting four Partners and the Director I spoke with with the basic, plus reviewing leases and proposals, etc.

My concerns are do I want to take a step backwards in title for more money. The office I would be working in is larger, so down the line there may be something better. But that's not guaranteed. The company I work with is growing, as well, but only has 8 (soon to be 9-10) people. I have my choice to support my current boss and continue to run the office or go more towards the marketing side and support our leasing rep and soon-to-be project manager. This would mean that I would get to do all the fun stuff that I like about my job (doing the creative bit). I think, if I had my druthers, I would work with the leasing rep on the marketing and run the office and let the new admin work support Joe and the project manager.

I don't know. I have my list of questions for the lunch meeting tomorrow, but need someone to start soon, and this is a bad time to leave my office. Our leasing rep's wife will be having the triplets within the next few weeks, and my boss will be out traveling for several upcoming meetings. Our associate property manager is on maternity leave, so we have a temp filling in with some of the support work and phones, while our customer service coordinator does the assoc. pm's job. The temp is leaving at the end of next week because she landed a permanent job elsewhere (child-welfare protection as a case worker).

I would hate to seem like I am taking advantage of the situation should my boss decide to give me a raise to keep me, but I also don't want to leave the team in a lurch, since I like them for the most part. Plus, my job is fairly interesting. Yikes. Then again, I have not officially been offered the job, even though the Director did seem quite interested in hiring me.

And we do need the extra money to pay off all of our debt (the horrors of having to use the cc to make it through the month) and start saving for a house and college funds for the kids.

So, what are your thoughts?

I was offered the job officially today at a little lower than I was expecting, but not too much. DH has been hashing over the pros and cons and I still have not come to a conclusion. Now to talk to the boss tomorrow. Ack.


photog said...

Trust your "gut." You know, that place deep inside yourself that didn't appear on the anatomy and physiology exam. While it is most noble to take the logical pluses and minuses route, humans are NOT creatures of logic. We are passionate beings. For several years I persuaded my wife with all the logic I had to continue working in an industry that she hated. And each time she took a new job (and there were many!) she was miserable. Now, after walking out of the last job, she has finally decided that she wants to go to school and change career paths entirely. And though we are broker (more-broke?) than before, she is much happier, and we, in turn, are much happier.

So .... take away the money, take away the "I don't want to leave the old office in the lurch" and ask yourself, "What does my gut tell me to do?" Everything else will work itself out.

Gina Alsdorf said...

GIve them a chance to match the new salary. Negotiate a higher base for yourself in your current position! :)

Cassie said...

I think it sounds like you really like your position and sometimes that is more important than money-especially in the long run. But money is VERY important so I guess what I'm saying is I have no idea what you should do. Sorry.! said...

My guess is they're currently underpaying you (because they always are, no matter where you are), so leverage the offer for a salary increase.

But I'm guessing all this has played out already? How'd it go?

Kirsten said...

Update, took the new job. Will start on the 29th. I'm excited for the new challenge!

There's always more to the story, but at least it's a fresh start with new people and room to grow. Any maybe, by having a job that pays better and won't require me to stay late constantly, I'll actually have time to get myself back to school and get my master's.

jc said...

Congratulations! Change is always exciting, and sounds like you've bargained a good deal for yourself, to not lose what's important to you but also gain a bit. Woo hoo!

photog said...

Congrats! The Wife decided to go back to school too. What is it about graduating from law school that makes spouse want to go back to school?!?