Saturday, April 08, 2006

The end of the first full week of April

I've been trying to read a book for the last few weeks, but it has taken forever to get through. The blurb on the front cover by The New York Times summarizes it perfectly: "A slim volume of terrifying power."

The book in reference is Night, by Nobel Prize winner Elie Wiesel. It's his account his experiences in the German concentration camps during WWII.

Younger-DS is in the middle of a temper tantrum because I would not get him another thing to eat. He just finished lunch and had a some goldfish. He's mad because I'm holding out on the oranges for later this afternoon. Apparently, he is a big eater at daycare, too.

DD went to the grocery store with me this morning. (I have to make several dozen cookies for a PTA function on Tuesday.) She did pretty well, other than complaining that she got a pink balloon instead of purple. Pink or purple, it bounced off the side of my head for the whole shopping experience, so I looked like a chia pet by the time we made it back to the car.

Older-DS is sitting at the table, writing out his list of students and adding up the check marks by their names. I just asked, and the check marks are good because that means that they are here today, and the X's are bad because that means that they are not here. And they are here to learn.

Our container gardening experiment is having mixed results. My mom bought older-DS a tomato plant, and so far, we have 3 tomatoes coming in. The parsley I bought is only doing so-so, but the sage had taken off. I broke the tops of the basil off accidentally, but they are coming back, and the rosemary and oregano are doing well, too. Unfortunately, the seeds doing quite as well as I hoped. A few of them started well, then quickly keeled over, so no dill and very few chives this year. The lemon balm, sage, borage, mint, and catnip are doing quite well. There are a couple of anise, and one each of marjoram, savory and parsley coming up. I'm not too surprised about the seeds, as they were left over from a few years ago. It's nice to have a patio that we can actually use, and where I don't have to worry about the kids falling through the bars.

We're getting through the office move. Hopefully, I'll be back in the loop at some point, and next time they do any major changes they will inform me before I have meetings with vendors. There's nothing like having a discussion with someone, only to find out that they have a different set of notes than me. I hate feeling like an idiot.

I have to run. Apparently, I'm now the principal in Older-DS's school. He told me to pick a name, but didn't like my choices: Mrs. Ruler-of-the-Universe, Mrs. Ruler-of-the-School, or Mrs. Omniscient. So, I must be content with Mrs. H-I love the name, but the first one sure had a nice ring to it.


Kirsten said...

I rather like the first one inasmuch as it implies I'm the real leader (can't have a mrs. without the Mr., and we ALL know the Mr. is the one who really runs things).

Steve said...

Previous post was by know, the one who really runs things (even if I forget to log into my own account before posting).

Michelle said...

What a busy family, glad all is well :o)

Cassie said...

LOL! I was trying to picture the first post coming out of Kirsten's mouth (well fingers really huh?)

Bellejar said...

Too funny. Is the post on my blog also from steve? Night was a great book but incredibly sad.

Cassie said...

I read that book in Jr. High or High School. It wasn't for a class or anything. I'm not sure what drew me to it. It's a hard read.

Weary Hag said...

Thanks for the tip on "Night" ... I plan to purchase and read it. If it took you a couple of weeks, it will undoubtedly take me six. I'm the world's slowest reader. I am, however, intrigued by anything pertaining to the Holocaust.

Sounds like you folks sure are busy there ... (loved your chia pet reference).

I too couldn't imagine that first comment here being written by you. :)

Happy Easter!

Cassie said...

Oprah announced that this book is her next bookclub read.
Not sure why we care but thought I'd tell you anyway.