Monday, May 02, 2005

And so it begins

Well, here I go and add my two bits to the ever-changing digital world. Sometimes I cannot fathom how we even get around without computers. Even if you shut yourself off in your house in the dark can you be away from computers, then? What if the phone rings? What if your car alarm goes off? Everything is controlled by the computer.

Not that I'm against them. To the contrary, I enjoy working with them. They do tend to make my typing easier (thank goodness for spellcheck), which makes my job easier. I hated using the typewriter. I remember having to hand-type some checks a few years back for a job. What a miserable experience. Made me realize what a horrid typist I really am. And I love playing with digital photographs and creating newsletters and internet shopping.

I'm not sure what my purpose is in setting up this site. Who knows who will find it. But I would love to hear any who stumble my way.

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