Sunday, November 25, 2007

Over my allotment of posts for the month, but here it goes....

What a full weekend. Work let out earlier for some than others (like me, but what's new...).

Started putting everything together Wed afternoon, chopping the veggies, baking the sweet potato casserole (non-marshmallow version), cooking the cranberries in sugar water (homemade cranberry sauce is that easy), and tossing together the stuffing from scratch (although I did use bakery bread to make fresh bread crumbs over the weekend, if that still counts). Thursday morning, around 8:30-ish I stuffed the bird's backside and let hubby fill in the neck area since I was having some trouble keeping the flap open and jamming the breading into the cavity. Then we placed it in the V-rack, greased up it's skin and loaded the bottom of the pan with veggies and broth and the roasting began. After 8 trips to the oven to baste and refill the pan with broth (and later water) to keep the veggies moist, the bird was ready. I just had to heat up the rolls, green bean casserole (which I nuked ahead of time to melt everything), bake the remaining stuffing, nuke the peas, and make the gravy (hence the roasted veggies in the bottom of the pan-you press them through a strainer and use the extracted juices in the gravy along with the drippings). Hubby was in charge of the garlic smashed potatoes, which I only had to coach slightly.

We had dinner on the table by 2:30. Stinky Magee requested that we each go around the table and say what we were all thankful for after we said grace. He is grateful for his teachers, Apple Pie was thankful your welcome, and Pumpkin was thankful for the food, DH and I were thankful for our families.

We stuffed our bellies then I threw together the apple pie (an actual pie, not the child listed above) for later in the evening. We lazed around for most of the afternoon and evening, after the dishes were washed.

Friday was uneventful as well, as the weather turned this weekend: cold and wet. So we were all stuck inside and refused to fight the crowds in the malls or the traffic with all of the nearby road construction. We ate leftovers for a couple of meals, and watched movie (OK, I watched Days of Our Lives, too, but who's counting that, since I have not seen it in a couple of years and had to catch up on all the mad-cap goings-on). Stinky-M and Pumpkin broke the wishbone together and the entire top broke off. I have never seen that before. They both ended up with the short sticks. So, either they will both get their wishes or neither. I prefer the former notion.

Saturday was DH's and my anniversary. The day started off nicely, with Stinky-M bringing me a card that he and his brother and sister signed, then I came downstairs to coffee brewing. After sipping a cup I went upstairs to check on Pumpkin who decided to watch Madagascar, and through the amazing wonders of movie previews, watched an ad for Over the Hedge and learned that she could burp the ABC's. Yes, my beautiful, angelic 5 y.o. DD is now running around burping the alphabet (thank you, Steve Carell). What more could a doting mother ask for.

Since it was our anniversary, we thought we would live it up by going out to eat. We mulled long and hard. OK, we drove up 290 and decided that IHOP was appropriate to take a 3 y.o. who had not had a nap. And it wasn't crowded, since it was only 5:30. After a surprisingly pleasant meal (well behaved non-rested children for once!), we stopped by Target to grab a couple of long-sleeved shirts for the DD and a new jacket for oldest-DH (since he lost the one I bought last month). By the time we got home, it was close to bedtime, so I bathed the two youngest while Stinky-M worked on one of his puzzle books and DH played around on the computer. Then we tucked them all in bed, nuked some popcorn and watched an episode of Band of Brothers (how romantic).

Today was rather mellow (or at least to the standards of parents who are used to the temperaments of 3 children. The kiddoes watched Sleeping Beauty and Madagascar. I drank some coffee, showered and made myself presentable to get a burger, since DH did not want turkey for lunch again. So we loaded up the car and went to Becks Prime. Then we returned home and lazed around some more, between loads of laundry. The kids are finally in bed and DH is ironing shirts for next week. Thank goodness for his military training because I am terrible at ironing. That is where I have no patience. And yes, the government did teach him how to properly iron, because making your uniform stand up by itself is step one in defending our country.

Tomorrow, we head back to work and school. Rats. It's been a nice break for the last few days.


Cassie said...

DH and I busted a gut when we read about Apple's "thankful you're welcome".

PS are you sure it's the military that taught him how to make his clothes stand on their own??? My DH's clothes stand on their own and there's no iron involved!!

Steve said...

I told you Steve Carell was bad. Look at the example he's setting for our kids - burping the alphabet.